The Sporting Club continued its policy of strong community support during 2016. Unconditional voluntary contributions and assistance in various forms totalled $604,569. This level of support has been maintained for many years now and is well in excess of $10m over the past 20 years.
This policy has two components, firstly through direct financial contributions to community and charitable organisations as well as individuals, and secondly, through in-kind support such as providing facilities or material assistance for other groups and organizations.
The direct financial contributions provided throughout 2016 totalled $334,797, and a detailed list of recipients is shown on the inside front cover of this report. Some of these are on-going arrangements where monthly support is provided to a range of community and sporting organisations and these are shown on page 3.
Others receive an annual contribution such as School P&Cs in our locality while we allocate proceeds from charity days or donation tins to special needs organisations such as the Mater Private Hospital Redlands Auxiliary, Redlands Special School, Redland Foundation and the Children’s Ward at Redlands Hospital etc.
Our in-kind support, called “Community Care” includes costs of providing and maintaining facilities for organizations like Cricket, Bocce and Lawn Bowls as well as support for external organisations applying for grants. This ensures such facilities meet the needs of today’s competitive environment.
I thank all those organizations who represented or promoted the Club’s name as a result of the support we provide. I particularly acknowledge the Redlands Sporting Club Pipe Band, who perform at many events throughout the year under our banner. Others promote the Club’s contribution at their events, such as our monthly voluntary contribution recipients, and in their reports and on their web sites.