Since the last edition of the Club Scene Magazine there have been a number of events worthy of mention including; the Annual General Meeting, Annual Presentation and Awards incorporating the Christmas party, working bees at Tangalooma and the latest on Club Boats and Teams fishing the tournaments.
The AGM was attended by a small number of members at the Redlands Sporting Club. The retiring Committee stepped down and a new Committee was elected. Our new President Nick Currey expressed thanks to retiring President Paul Ditchfield for his leadership of the Club over the past 5 years.
With Christmas and school holidays almost upon us a working bee was organised at our Tangalooma property. A large number of maintenance jobs were completed including servicing the mooring buoys. As a word of caution, the notrhern buoys main chain is corroded and if we cannot replace it before the holiday’s skippers of large boats are advised not to use it in a strong blow.
To all Club members using the facilities over the holidays, please take time to review the Club Land Rules, and have respect for your fellow campers and clean up after you leave.
On the fishing front, the small Black Marlin, Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, Yellowfin Tuna and Mackerel have all turned up in good numbers between Sunny to Gold Coast. Now is the time to get out there whilst the fish are around.
Our premier fishing Tournament, “Back 2 Tanga 8” has been scheduled for the 4 – 6th March 2016. It would be great to see a large turnout of members, so put the dates in your diary. Once again Garmin have committed as the major Sponsor.
On behalf of the Committee, we would like to wish all Members and their families a saft and fun filled festive season and holidays.
Noel Webb
Secretary MBGFC
0418 154 111
admin @
Fishing Report January 2016
Posted on Wednesday, 23 December 2015