With the Christmas/New year holiday period only an arm’s length away, it is probably prudent to remind members that if they wish to stay at the Club land on Moreton Island they should send in their bookings to the Secretary as soon as possible. The Club Committee is at present considering limiting the number of camp sites available to make it more comfortable for everyone. Last year it was considered by some to be a little over crowded so get your bookings in early. Availability of camp sites will be confirmed on receipt of the Club Land Booking Form together with payment on a first come basis. Club payment details are – Bank of Queensland Ltd, Account Name is Moreton Bay Game Fish Club Ltd, BSB 124001, Account Number is 104 097 67.
Also a reminder that when going to the Island take as much diesel over as you can fit in. This then keeps up the supply to run the generators. When purchasing diesel for the island, obtain a purchase receipt and send to the Secretary for reimbursement.
If wishing to claim points for any fish captures, you need to forward to the Secretary the QGFA Boat/Angler Activity Record report and the Club Capture Sheet together with the completed tag card if the fish is tagged. Please make sure all details are filled in on the card including lat & long. Incomplete cards may be rejected and no points allowed.
Noel Webb
Secretary MBGFC
0418 154 111
admin @ mbgfc.com.au
Fishing Report September 2015
Posted on Tuesday, 29 September 2015