SKA hosted yet another successful Gladiator & Taster Tournament where young and upcoming members competed against fellow club members and visiting clubs from as far away as Toowoomba. Divided into groups of age and experience they played valuable skill related games earning points as they go resulting in each competitor receiving a medal based on the number of games won. This is an essential stepping stone preparing our young members for later competitions. Our taster side of this Tournament is directed at those young upcoming competitors looking to compete in the larger QKA tournaments. Our elite team members coach the competitors on formalities and performance, preparing them for the larger arenas. Of course the jumping castle was once again a huge hit.
Without doubt the highlight of this term was our visit from Hagan Neuman, two time world champion from Germany. Hagan held several seminars for both junior and senior members, which were all met with enormous enthusiasm. Lots of new skills were learnt and great fun was had by all. Hagan promises to visit us again soon.
The annual pilgrimage to Noosa North Shore for the end of year Black Belt camp and Kyu Grading was again enjoyed by many. It was great to see so many of our younger Kyu grades enjoying the experience this year. Once again Hanshi Dr Patrick MacCarthy and Jiu Jitsu Master Shihan Tom Bellamy held jam-packed seminars enjoyed by all. To achieve black belt members must go through a long process of preparing themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. The enormous wealth of knowledgeable, talented and loyal members ensures all those who commit to a training process are given the guidance and support necessary to achieve their personal goals. So we welcome to the ranks:
- Shodan HoSensei Max Ross
- 1st Dan Shodan Sensei Ben Craddock
The new year promises to be a great one with lots of athletes young and old already pre-training for competition and gradings.
With classes running 7 days a week throughout the Redlands and Bayside catering to all ages and fitness levels there has never been a better time to inquire about joining.
Call 3396 0980, check out our Facebook page or go to
Liz Sheen – President, Supporters & Competitors Club SKA
Hagan training with senior athletes