Pipe Band Report July 2016
Posted on Wednesday, 29 June 2016
The Redlands Sporting Club Pipe Band has been quite busy since the last report. We played in the club on 8 April to a very receptive audience and we had a social evening afterwards.
The inaugural Redlands Sporting Club Pipe Band Competition was held on 16 April at the Tigers Cricket Club oval. Five bands attended from the Brisbane area and as far away as Toowoomba and they played a variety of Bagpipe music to a large crowd. Each band played twice in the competition. A set comprising a march, a strathspey and a reel was required in the first appearance followed by a medley of tunes in the second appearance. Many people commented on the high standard shown by the bands.
There were also several vendor’s stalls selling Highland band equipment and other Celtic wares. I would like to express our appreciation to the Queensland branch of the Australian Pipe Band Association for their organisational help and the provision of judges, and also to the Tigers Cricket Club for providing the excellent venue and canteen facilities. It is intended to stage a bigger and better competition next year now that we have established our credentials. The photo shows the massed bands performing at the end of the day.
Anzac Day was another busy day. Band members provided solo pipers and drummers for ceremonies from Lota to Victoria Point. The full band then participated in the Cleveland Anzac Day Parade, then smaller groups entertained patrons in the Cleveland RSL Club and residents of Renaissance Village at Victoria Point. 21 May saw us at the Ormiston College Fete where we entertained patrons several times during the day.
Kevin Folley (secretary) 0417190597